

If your vaping experience feels too one-note and not tailored enough to your specific demands, maybe you need the Double Barrel vape. Composed of two chambers, each of which holds its own oil cartridge, the…


Steve Bae—an up-and-coming industrial designer from Seoul, Korea—recently tackled a concept for a vaporizer pipe for Peterson of Dublin, which just celebrated its 150th anniversary in business. Bae’s concept fuses a traditional pipe smoking experience and…


When it comes to a vaporizer, you’re probably much more concerned with performance and what you can put inside than you are with the way that it looks. Fortunately for all us, we don’t have…


When the Pax vaporizer was first released, it set the vaporizer world on its head. (We were fans.) It was a sleek, Apple-like device designed for vaping tobacco or, predominately, some herb. Now we have Pax…

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