
Finding the right wedding gift seems like a straightforward proposition. Wedding registries exist for a reason, after all. But those standard gifts suggestions thrown onto a registry can seem impersonal–the type of things more likely to be returned for store credit or cash (there’s even a site that let’s people list gifts and then redeem those for the cash value instead). No one can blame the couple for that. Everyone likes money, and it sure beats having that distant relative show up with a random coffeemaker because “giving cash feels weird.”

Few things feel better than giving the gift that no one wants to return. That’s where this guide comes in. Whether you’re looking for something for the couple, the groom, or you’re the groom looking for the person groomsmen gifts, you’ll find something that’s just right on these guides.

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Regardless of your stance on the matter, when it comes to home defense, you’ll never be as secure as you are with a gun at the ready. That’s where Biofire comes in with their Smart Guns. The 9mm Biofire Smart Gun uses cutting-edge, lighting-fast biometrics to deliver a firearm that operates like any other–with the added proprietary protection of integrated fingerprint and 3D facial recognition systems to make sure only you (or other previously verified individuals) can use it if the necessity arises. Build your perfect Smart Gun with Biofire here.

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